The favourite amongst many long distance tourers is the Rohloff speedhub 500/14.
It's chosen because of its ultimate reliability particularly in extreme environments where its protection of the gearing mechanism from sand, mud, salt and dirt is of real benefit.
We use the Rohloff Speedhub 500/14 CC OEM with an external gear mech. With the external gear mech the shifter cables run directly from the twist shifter to the cable box so a separate cable stop isn't necessary. For quick and easy removal of the rear wheel, the cable box can be removed from the external transfer box. The sealed gearbox ensures reliability and durability even under the toughest conditions.
The overall range of the 14 gears makes sure that you have the right gear in every situation. We have selected appropriate gearing for touring with panniers so the 1st gear is equivalent to that on the derailleur Skyelander.
The Rohloff gear range is 526%. This is higher than the Alfine 11 speed hub gear (409%) but slightly lower than the Skyelander with derailleur (617%).
We fit the Skyelander Rohloff with a choice of the Thorn Rohloff chainset which is our recommended option due to the wide ranging teeth number options to fine tune the gearing. We also offer Middleburn as an upgrade.
The transmission is finished off with the KMC E1 EPT chain, nickel plated, strong and highly durable.
We are now offering the Kibo Rohloff with a Gates Carbon Drive transmission using their CDX sprockets and belt for reliability and durability. Please find more information here